ProgressDevelopment Update As a portion of the Particl team is readying up for the Particl World Tour, the developers haven’t stopped a second tirelessly working on…
ProgressParticl Lightning Network Now Available on Testnet ⚡️First Testnet Particl LND Transaction Successful⚡️
ProgressParticl Open Marketplace Alpha V2.0 Release & Development Update It’s finally here! The Particl Open Marketplace Alpha V2.0 has just been released on Github and is now available for all to play with.
NewsMarch 1st Hardfork — How to Prepare As many of you know, the PART mainnet network is going to undergo a hardfork on the 1st of March 2019. This hardfork will port two testnet…
ProgressParticl Desktop 1.3.1 Released Earlier today, we released Particl Desktop 1.3.1 which had been in its pre-release stage for a bit more than two weeks now. This new…
ProgressDevelopment Update — Planned Hardfork Schedule Preparing Mainnet for a Private, Decentralized Marketplace
ProgressParticl Copay Now Available on iOS We are very excited to announce that Particl Copay, Particl’s mobile wallet, is now available on iOS! You can now download Particl Copay…
ProgressParticl Copay 5.4.1 Released Yesterday, we released the 5.4.1 version of Particl Copay which sets the Particl mobile application to the latest Copay codebase version…
ProgressParticl Copay Mobile App Update Ever since we introduced Particl’s new senior developer, Robert Edwards, he’s been relentlessly working on Particl Copay, Particl’s mobile…
ProgressCold Staking Pools — What You Need to Know Cold staking pools have been an item the community has been requesting for quite some time, and they are now available for anyone to use…
ProgressCold Staking Pool Interface Released! Today is the day we release the long-awaited cold staking pool user interface! While these pools have now been available to use for quite…
ProgressSouth Africa Team Meetings Update As you probably already know, the Particl development team met in South Africa from the 16th of November to the 24th for a series of…
ProgressMarketplace | Community Test Build 2018–11–28 Particl development teams have been hard at work adding additional features and interface experiences to Particl Desktop and Particl…
ProgressParticl Core Released — Fixes Ledger Issues on MacOS Yesterday, we released Particl Core, an update that fixes Ledger-related issues some MacOS users have been experiencing.