The week is coming to an end, which means it's time for our weekly development progress report! So let's quickly see what progress has been made in the past few days.

Particl Desktop πŸ–₯

We are currently merging the 3.3 branch into the main one which means that the changes planned for Particl Desktop 3.3 are now "complete".

At this point, we are still busy with the testing of the builds before releasing them on testnet. Here's the list of what remains, testing-wise, before the mainnet release.

  1. Finish testing that the builds work correctly. It's largely just checking that the builds actually build for the target machines and that starting the application up works as expected. We are already done with Linux machines, but still need to test it up for Windows and Mac.
  2. Write up the (rather massive and wide-ranging) changelog for Particl Desktop 3.3, which is no small update.
  3. Generate the final test builds and upload/distribute them publicly for community testing.
  4. Apply any bug fix, change, or addition resulting from of the testnet phase.

We don't doubt there'll be minor changes needed to apply as a result of community testing, things like spelling mistakes, UI tweaks, and other small modifications. But keep in mind that finding those are why we run these testing rounds prior to mainnet releases, so we highly encourage you to help us out blasting through this last phase before mainnet.

As it stands right now, we do expect testnet builds to be available in a day or two, barring any unforeseen issues, so get ready for a fun Christmas gift to beautifully wrap up this exciting year we've had!

Particl Core πŸ”—

Core Codebase Maintenance πŸ› οΈ

Commits Β· tecnovert/particl-core
Particl Core integration/staging tree. Contribute to tecnovert/particl-core development by creating an account on GitHub.

As usual, we've been keeping up with upstream updates as part of our ever-ongoing effort to maintain Particl Core up-to-date with Bitcoin's latest version. You can always keep track of those changes by following this link.

Minor Core Bug Fix 🩹

rpc: Fix listunspentblind filter by address Β· tecnovert/particl-core@6163778
Particl Core integration/staging tree. Contribute to tecnovert/particl-core development by creating an account on GitHub.

We've added a minor bug fix to Particl Core which will be present in the next release (Particl Core 23.0.4). This bug fixes a faulty behavior in which "filtering by addresses" wouldn't work (would return nothing). This functionality is used by BasicSwap to allow you to filter offers by the offerer.

BasicSwap πŸ“ˆ

More Private Swaps πŸŽ‰

We've added a new option that lets you select a more private atomic swap protocol (adaptor signature swaps) for a variety of coins on BasicSwap. This additional swap protocol, which uses scriptless scripts, is the same privacy-first protocol that powers Monero and Particl Anon atomic swaps. It is now also available for all coins that have integrated Segwit into their core. Here is the list of coins that fully support this privacy-first swap protocol:

  • Bitcoin
  • Litecoin
  • Dash
  • Particl, Particl CT, and Particl Anon
  • Monero (of course)

This new option is not yet available in the GUI but is ready at the protocol level. We expect it to be included in the GUI shortly into 2023 when we push its next major update.

Note: While it is possible to swap Firo and PIVX using this more private protocol, it is mandatory for the "from" coin to have Segwit enabled.

In other words, you cannot list a Firo or PIVX offer requesting another coin using this improved protocol. To list a Firo or PIVX offer, you need to use the regular atomic swap protocol (Decred-style).

You can, however, use the more private swaps using Firo or PIVX by instead picking up an offer requesting these coins and swap using the more private protocol if it is the swap type selected by the offerer (i.e., an offer offering Bitcoin and requesting Firo).

User Interface πŸ–₯️

On the side of the user interface of BasicSwap, we're still working on the items enumerated in last week's update with good progress being made on all fronts. These items are as follows:

  • Integrating the new subfee feature to make coin withdrawals and offer posting easier (no need to manually calculate fees) into the GUI.
  • Addition of a dark mode.
  • Addition of a "simple" mode for the GUI in which the user interface is slimmed down. This aims at simplifying the user experience but still allowing for more advanced options via a "simple/advanced" toggler.
  • Addition of a new price charting system. The current chart style will still be available and it'll be possible to select which one you want to use via the settings page.
  • Introduction of a wide variety of GUI improvements, tweaks, and changes based on feedback from our beta testers.

As always, we thank you immensely for your passion and dedication to Particl and what it's working towards achieving. None of it would be possible without you all!

We wish you a great weekend we'll see you all back on Monday! πŸ‘‹

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