I’d like to take this opportunity to pay the team’s deepest respects to all the community members helping grow Particl organically by their daily contributions!
Without a community of users and supporters Particl is going nowhere. Every open-source project is only as strong as the community. YOU are more important than any new-fangled tech we stuff into our Privacy Framework.
Member Spotlight: 🌟Dros
One of our regular contributors to Particl is member Dros.
He is a passionate believer in the project, not the price, and that is evident in all the ways he helps our team and community grow.
Prime Example:
We have a strategic PR group that creates and proofs inhouse articles, updates and out of house coverage like the BitcoinMagazine.com articles. Dros is always one of the first jumping into our drafts and making compelling arguments for or against the selling points of the articles.
What I like about Dros is he is a self-starter that knows what his strengths are and finds every way he can to help Particl become a successful and talked about project. It was a pretty easy decision to add him as an Admin on our Slack/Riot channels when he asked to help.
Simple things like posting newsworthy stuff to tweet about, commenting in our social media channels and providing examples from other projects he also follows are little things Dros does when he’s online and are basic ways anyone can help contribute.
A handful of contributions by Dros
We’ve begun a Particl Wiki site and Dros has been one of the main contributors; busy adding important information about the project in an easy to read and find manner for new users.
articles-about-particl * Particl Project Wiki
Edit descriptionparticl.wiki
If you haven’t seen the latest community created video hyping cold-staking and other benefits of Particl you should!
That video plus a handful of graphic pieces were submitted within 48 hours of me asking for help spreading the announcement of Particl’s first hard fork to usher in Cold Staking on November 10th. — #OwnIt
Promotional work (all self-initiated)… 100% Awesome!
Thank you Dros, for all your hard work and dedication to Particl, our mission, our products and helping educate our community.
I would like to make this a recurring post to showcase our most valuable asset — Our Community
Interested in helping build Particl?
It is exciting when passion in the community manifests itself in unexpected ways. Whether it’s helping break the testnet, bending tools like Angular and Electron to your will or being really, really good at graphics and writing, our SLACK and RIOT community channels are great places to get involved.
Thank You
Particl Team