Project Update: July 10th, 2017

The time has come for world domination.
A bit dramatic but going off the passion and excitement for PART tokens to be distributed, staked, traded and most importantly used we thought it was appropriate.
The wait is nearly over, only a few things remain.
Short-term Roadmap
Wallet Creation
Participants in our funding round have 48 hours remaining before we close down wallet creation. If you haven’t set up your wallet yet we provide guides here:
- Guide: How to generate your Particl wallet —
We strongly suggest you follow the 10 minute guide above to create your wallet. This ensures you receive your PART as soon as possible. Contributors who don’t will need to wait on the team and go through a manual process. We have a priority list of people who will need the team’s help regardless:
- Our overfunders who have patiently waited for 3 months with zero PART balances (thank you for trusting us!).
- Contributors who didn’t create wallets before launch — this will be a manual process and can take several days to complete. (you have the power to not be in this group!)
- Our approved claimants for the Community Initiative #1 (be sure to thank your fellow PARTicipants for their generosity)
Particl Core Source Code
With the release of PART tokens, the Particl Foundation will also open source the Particl codebase Monday, July 17th.
Particl Wallet Compiles
Monday, July 17th we’ll be uploading OS compiles for folks to get ready for launch. Keep an eye on our github page for the release of these official compiles for your operating system. Update
Our website is being redesigned as we speak. The drop-dead date for it to go live will be Monday, July 17th. If it’s ready this weekend it will be released this weekend. We are migrating it to Github so the community developers and contributors can help make it the best landing page for the Particl Project as possible. We look forward to your volunteerism!
Particl Mainnet
As stated earlier, this will be Monday, July 17th at 13:00 UTC. The team created twin wallet designs as a precautionary measure against delays to the public launch. Being trailblazers with Electron and Angular is definitely exciting and ambitious but also 10x more complicated. Having something as important as the GUI be the reason for any delay would be unacceptable.
Particl QT will be an option when mainnet releases next Monday and will be recommended for the smoothest interface for users to interact with each other on the Particl network. Advanced users will be curious about the Electron wallet and that will be available Monday as well; even if we decided to start it on TESTNET5 to insure the smoothest mainnet launch possible.
This GUI is utilitarian by design to provide a familiar user environment to invoke all the calls in the daemon. Particl QT is a compact version of our wallet, offering all the enhancements the team has built without the sexiness.
Particl TESTNET5
The team will also setup our fifth phase of our test network after mainnet on Monday, July 17th. We reserve the right to shift our Electron GUI to this test environment for further bug testing if it looks like releasing it will bring undue stress on the team or users because of possible issues not worked through properly.
Thank you for your passion for this project! Make sure you’ve created a Particl wallet if you’re due PART tokens on distribution.
Particl Team