We are excited to release a new Particl V3 build on testnet and begin the third round of community testing. This build fixes the vast majority of previously identified bugs and issues and introduces various general improvements to Particl Desktop and the back-end code of the marketplace.
Most notably, it fixes the issue some Windows 10 users were encountering that prevented them from launching the application at all. We highly encourage these users to test out this testnet build on Windows 10 and report back if any issue is observed.

If you encounter any problem while testing this new version of Particl V3 or have feedback to give, please add a "new issue" on Github (click here). Make sure to explain in detail the problem you’ve encountered, how to reproduce it, and the OS you’re using. The Particl developers will then pick it up and work on it.
Note: Please follow carefully the installation instructions located in the section below, especially if you’ve previously installed and run a Particl V3 testnet build.
Get Started
Download Particl Desktop 3.0.0-RC-test004: https://github.com/particl/particl-desktop/releases/tag/v3.0.0-RC-test004
To get testnet coins, visit the Particl faucet.
Discussions and Feedback
Your insights are infinitely valuable for us to enhance and improve Particl Desktop and Particl Marketplace. To that end, the Particl community forum is the perfect place for focused discussions and to get to know what others have observed.
To help to streamline community testing for Particl V3-testnet, the community has prepared a Marketplace Testing category to the forum where you can report issues to other community members and see what others are coming up with. Simply follow this link to land in the right place.
Still, if you find any observation that has found a certain degree of consensus, you are kindly asked to formally publish it on the Github Issues page. This way, it is guaranteed that the developers won’t miss it.
If you encounter problems connecting to peers, it may be caused by the low number of nodes on the testnet network. To fix this issue, open up your Particl Desktop debug console and type the following command to connect to a seeding node:addnode "" "add"
If you spot any issue, bug, or area of improvement, please report it directly on the Github Issues page.
Your wallet needs to be unlocked to process buy and sell orders on the marketplace.
Particl Marketplace is still in on-going development, and thus, is considered to be a Beta release.
Note: The source code linked to here is not the actual tagged release source code. Please contact the Particl team for source code information. The actual source code will be uploaded and made available after an appropriate interval of time has passed.
Advanced Start-up
Sometimes it's helpful to start the application from the terminal, aka command line. It gives you additional information about what's happening in the background.
- Open "Windows Explorer"
- On the installation folder (e.g.
"C:\Program Files\Particl Desktop Testnet\Particl Desktop Testnet"
) Press [SHIFT⇧]+[MOUSE-RIGHT◳] and choose "Open command window here" - Type the following command including the quotation marks into the terminal and hit [ENTER ↵]
"Particl Desktop Testnet.exe"
- Open "Terminal"
(e.g. [COMMAND ⌘] + [SPACE] and typeterminal
> hit [ENTER ↵]) - Type in this command and hit [ENTER ↵]:
/Applications/Particl\ Desktop\ Testnet.app/Contents/MacOS/Particl\ Desktop\ Testnet
- Open a terminal in the folder where you’ve installed the application and type the following command and hit [ENTER ↵]:
./Particl\ Desktop\ Testnet
What follows is a list of changes, bug fixes, and improvements made to Particl V3 since its first testnet release. This list is not exhaustive, it does not include some of the smaller and/or less impactful fixes.
[Governance module] Introduces a new governance module that allows for viewing active and upcoming CCS proposals that require a network vote, as well as past proposals. Voting on a current or future proposal is currently available, although not enabled when using a cold staking wallet (the vote should rather be cast on the cold staking node). Further, detailed information on the proposals and how to vote is included in the module. While the governance module is included in this release, it has been temporarily disabled - this is not a bug
[Market module] Removes the unused and invalid publishing controls in the product import wizard.
[Market module] Images are displayed alongside the market name, if available, in additional places in the product creation and publishing areas.
[Market module] Removes the display of a 'ROOT' parent category that was displayed on items in the cart.
[Market module] Replaces usage of the word 'bid' with 'order request' and 'order' where appropriate, to avoid confusion ('bid' terminology is confusing, with 'order request' more accurately aligning with the behaviour).
[Market module] Fixes an error in the GUI preventing the joining of a market under certain circumstances.
[Market module] When a listing item is flagged, all exact duplicates of the listing item in the same market are now flagged as well. When a new duplicate of an already flagged item is received for the same market, it will be flagged as well.
[Market module] Fixes a case in the Listing Details where action buttons were not disabling correctly when another action is being processed and taking some time to complete.
[Market module] Adds the ability to export to CSV a list of sell orders. The sell orders exported are those currently displayed; sell orders exported are influenced by any search and filtering criteria applied).
[Market module] Fixes an issue preventing publishing items to a market with a 0 value for either of the shipping prices.
[Market module] Fixes an error whereby the wrong favorite item may be removed while attempting to remove a favorite item.
[Market module] Reduces the number of stealth addresses used per wallet/identity throughout the marketplace.
[Market module] Adds additional validation to market message order sequencing.
[Wallet module] Prevents the user from navigating to another app/module in certain steps of the wallet creation: this prevents issues with potentially using an uninitialized wallet in other app/module (i.e., the Governance module).
[General] Fixes the zmq.node error on some versions of Windows that prevented the application from opening.
[General] Attempts a fix at a possible intermittent issue where the connection event may not be properly processed and thus the application fails to start correctly. Further testing and feedback may be necessary.
[General] Display a random "message of the day" on the welcome screen. The current number of messages is limited, but can be added to in the future.
If this testing round goes well and no other major issue is identified in the next couple of days, Particl V3 will be ready for mainnet very shortly. We will clearly communicate the mainnet release date on Particl News and within the usual communications channels.
So let's get testing and keep an eye out for the confirmation on the release date very soon!
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