Particl Desktop 3.1 is now live on mainnet! Indeed, you can now download and install the new desktop client and enjoy all the new features, improvements, and bug fixes!
Notably, this release introduces adjustable escrow ratios (sellers can decide how much they require buyers to put into escrow) and better inventory management for sellers. It also includes a wide variety of bug fixes, general improvements, and quality-of-life tweaks that makes the user experience much better and hassle-free. Check out the full list of changes here.
Note: Important in this update is the addition of two new buttons. One, in the Orders section, lets you resend your last action (i.e., mark the item as shipped) in case it hasn't properly been received by the other party. The other, in the Market Settings, lets your client rescan previous actions by the other party, in case that it is your client that failed to receive it. If you have marketplace transactions that are seemingly stuck, these buttons will fix the problem.
Get Started
Download Particl Desktop 3.1 on mainnet: https://github.com/particl/particl-desktop/releases/tag/v3.1.0
If you happen to be a newcomer to Particl at all we highly recommend the Particl Academy as your guide and reference book for getting along with Particl Marketplace.
- Your wallet needs to be unlocked to process buy and sell orders on the marketplace.
- If you spot any issue, bug, or area of improvement, please report it directly on the Github Issues page.
- The source code linked to here is not the actual tagged release source code. Please contact the Particl team for source code information. The actual source code will be uploaded and made available after an appropriate interval of time has passed.
Advanced Start-up
Sometimes, it's helpful to start the application from the terminal, aka command line. It gives you additional information about what's happening in the background and can be useful for troubleshooting issues (if issues you encounter).
- Open "Windows Explorer"
- On the installation folder (e.g.
"C:\Program Files\Particl Desktop\Particl Desktop"
) Press [SHIFT⇧]+[MOUSE-RIGHT◳] and choose "Open command window here" - Type the following command including the quotation marks into the terminal and hit [ENTER ↵]
"Particl Desktop.exe"
- Open "Terminal"
(e.g. [COMMAND ⌘] + [SPACE] and typeterminal
> hit [ENTER ↵]) - Type in this command and hit [ENTER ↵]:
/Applications/Particl\ Desktop.app/Contents/MacOS/Particl\ Desktop
- Open a terminal in the folder where you’ve installed the application and type the following command and hit [ENTER ↵]:
./Particl\ Desktop
List of Changes
- Fixes various typos, incorrect button labels, and incorrect text/label related concerns.
- Update to using core v0.21.
Note that for new users, a default wallet is not automatically created, and so the initial wallet generation (when using the wallet module as the first entry point) will allow for a wallet name to be provided.
The particl-core setting txindex
will be explicitly enabled by automatically updating the particl.conf file.
Marketplace App
Included here are the changes applied to both the UI of the marketplace, as well as the market service, for convenience:
- Allow for backing up the market profile mnemonic and passphrase. These are generated for the profile and stored in the particl-market database. It's far better to allow the user to back these up and remove them from the database.
Note that each market identity generated derives from the profile wallet, so backing up the profile means that all identity wallets created from that profile are backed up as well.
- Remove the logging out of the profile wallet mnemonic and passphrase.
- Fixed sent listing image smsgs from leaking some information related to the sender's machine.
- Fixed an issue with the market browser search ignoring various search criteria under certain cases.
- When removing a market, particl-core is now correctly informed so as to stop receiving smsg for that market.
- Reduced the ring size used in marketplace transactions involving anon funds (such as listing fees) from 24 to 12. This should assist with reducing fees slightly.
- A number of smsg processing issues have been fixed: these should provide for greater stability in both the processing of received smsg, as well as the sending of smsg.
- The settings page has been updated to better reflect the settings it contains.
- Fixed an issue when generating a new identity where if the profile wallet was encrypted it failed to generate the new identity: a prompt for the profile wallet passphrase is now correctly presented.
- Fixed an issue where some settings were incorrectly editable while the market service was starting up.
- Invalid or missing values on the shipping source country in the product/template editor are now clearly displayed. This field was often missed when creating an item for sale, and so should now have greater visibility when a value is missing.
- The seller key has been added to the listings detail modal, as requested.
- The promotion of a market using the incorrect market identity funds (in a multi-identity setup) in some cases, has been fixed.
- In the market browser, a count of new items received (but not yet displayed) is shown alongside the refresh button.
- Adds a button in the Settings page to allow for easy re-scanning of smsg messages (rather than needing to manually run commands or use workarounds such as joining a market to obtain the prompt to perform the re-scan).
Note that once a re-scan is performed, the button is disabled for a few minutes afterward: this is normal and allows some time for any message processing to occur.
- Edits to pricing via the batch publish modal are now possible: a percentage value can be set that will update the price of each item by the percentage provided, or alternatively a fixed price can be set per item. Instead of needing to update the price of each item individually prior to publishing, a seller making use of the batch publish feature can now set the prices of items in the batch publish modal.
- Allow for the seller to specify escrow ratios:
This is available both via the user interface (in the product/template editor) as well as via the csv import (see the help text in the csv import wizard for further details).
These values can be viewed in the listings detail window.
Do note that various warnings are presented both when viewing a listing's details as well as during purchasing/checkout of items to indicate when non-standard escrow ratios are used.
Orders also indicate the escrow ratios used by both parties to provide any additional information that may be needed.
- A button on each order is added to allow for the re-sending of the last action performed by the user. This might help where the other party never received the message (or some issue prevented the message from being processed correctly), and causing the transaction to appear "stuck". The workaround was typically to follow a set of instructions to manually perform the resend... the button replaces the need to perform the manual steps.
- Images can now be imported via the csv import file to add images when creating initial products. Local paths as well as urls from the internet can be used. See the help text in the csv import wizard for further details.
- Use existing stealth addresses when performing a balance transfer: this helps to reduce the unnecessary generation of stealth addresses.
- Wallets derived from another wallet (such as the identity wallets derived from the profile wallet in the marketplace) can now be restored. This is considered more of an advanced feature, but it does at least allow for a wallet/identity generated via the marketplace, for example, to be restored and for the user to regain access to their coins.
- Show all wallets created: previously, the market-generated profile wallet was hidden from the displayed wallets, which has been updated.
- A new setting has been added to set the default ring size value used when performing a transaction using anon balance. The ring size can still be edited per transaction: this just allows for setting the initial/default value used.
- Updates the default ring size to 12 from 24.
- Fixes an issue in using a very high
value on anon related transactions. This should also reduce the transaction fee slightly. - Updates the
balance value displayed by using the new particl-core rpc commandgetlockedbalances
for this purpose. The previous means attempted to calculate the locked balance but in some cases incorrectly included the wrong values. - Fixes the displaying of the fee amount showing as the transferred amount for conversion transactions in the transaction table (and also in the overview page).
- Adds checks to the zapping detail modal to ensure that addresses used during zapping actually belong to the wallet. This is more of a preventative measure.
- Consolidates both of the wallet settings to split utxos for public transactions and private transactions into a single "default" setting value. The distinction between the two different settings was somewhat confusing.
- The Send/Convert page now includes a control to allow for ease of splitting the amount transacted into distinct utxos more easily. Having the control only in the settings page made it tedious to use, and the control makes more sense in the Send/Convert page, where it's most useful.
The default utxo split control in the wallet settings provides the initial/default value for the control in the Send/Convert page.
- The max value for the utxo splitting has been increased from 20 to 100 per transaction.
Particl Desktop 3.1 is mostly a follow-up update to Particl Desktop 3.0. It improves on the 3.0 user experience by fixing the most glaring issues and by introducing some of the most-requested features from current marketplace vendors.
Particl Desktop 3.2, on the other end, is expected to be more of a “standalone” release, meaning it won’t necessarily exclusively focus on improving the initial 3.0 release but rather introduce new features and functionalities that bring a new dimension to the experience. We’ll provide more information about what items are planned to be included in the next update in a follow-up blog post that will be published to Particl News very shortly.
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