With lots of new features recently released for testing, we thought we’d give you a good reason to come play!

What better way to see the new features and upgrades the Particl developers have made to Marketplace Alpha than to bring some real items up for sale?
Our friends at ICOsensei are big supporters of the concept of a private, decentralized marketplace and have made it known that they have big plans once we are on mainnet.
Earlier in the summer they sent over a limited supply of Particl branded label pins from their cryptocurrency collection of pins. In an effort to regularly entice everyone back into the testing version of the marketplace, we now offer these awesome pins up to you. Come and get ‘em!

How do I get one?
Get your Particl pin from ICOsensei on Particl Marketplace today.
Supply is limited!
If you don’t already know, Alpha Marketplace is living on our testnet. This means you’ll need testnet PART (tPART) for currency.
In order to jump in to explore, play and grab a Particl pin you’ll also need the latest Desktop builds specifically for Alpha.
- Download Mac, Win & Linux builds here:
- Get free tPART from the official faucet here:

Keep in mind that this is all in a TESTING ENVIRONMENT. Please.
A lot of changes are daily modified in the code. These inevitable bring bugs which can mess things up. If you’re having difficulty placing an order on ICOsensei’s pins jump into our Testing channel and let us know.
Particl testing channels (linked via bots): Riot | Telegram | Discord
Thank you
Particl Team