As the week ends, let's take a moment to look back at what we've achieved in the past few days and see what we've got to look forward to in the week to come.

Particl Team Proposal #5

Team Funding Request 5

The voting for the fifth community funding proposal is now ongoing and will last from block 1,755,500 to block 1,760,539 for a total of 5,040 blocks (approximately 1 week).

Because this proposal does not propose changes to the protocol, it requires a participation rate of at least 20% of the total supply and an approval rate of 60% or more to be considered valid.

You can review the proposal and follow the voting results directly on the CCS platform, or consult the blog post for more information on how to vote. As always, we highly encourage you to participate in this vote and let your voice be heard.

Particl Marketplace Update ๐Ÿ›’

Development of the LLM-powered moderation tool for Particl Marketplace continues to progress. We're currently in the process of integrating it with the marketplace to enable broadcasting of its voting messages via SMSG.

As we connect the tool to the marketplace, we're identifying and implementing additional functionalities that are crucial for ensuring a stable and user-friendly experience.

This integration phase is expected to continue for some time. We'll provide an update when we're ready to expand our testing group and involve more participants in the process.

BasicSwap ๐Ÿ“ˆ

Adaptor Signature Code Conversion ๐Ÿงช

We've made further progress in converting the adaptor signature swaps to C++, continuing to develop and push code for this effort. Notably, we've updated the custom secp256k1 library used in BasicSwap, which now has its own dedicated repository on BasicSwap's GitHub.

Forked CoinCurve โœ…

We've also forked and modified the coincurve library specifically for BasicSwap. This customized version has been added to BasicSwap's GitHub organization, allowing for more control and better security of the protocol.

User Interface ย ๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธ

In line with our new strategy of smaller, more frequent updates, we've continued to refine various user interface elements. These changes will be merged into the dev branch within the next few days. The upcoming update will include the following improvements:

  1. User-selectable default coin display on the chart, with Bitcoin as the default if no choice is made
  2. Replacement of load time with last refresh time on the chart
  3. Fixed rate column display
  4. Implementation of a Tor-compatible API for prices/rates across all templates when Tor is enabled by the user
  5. New shutdown modal, featuring a warning message if a swap is in progress
  6. Resolved issue with double-clicking for full copy/paste functionality in the address input on the wallet page

Particl and BasicSwap Media ๐Ÿ“บ

Upcoming Privacy Roundtable ๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ

Don't miss our upcoming Privacy Roundtable with our friends from PIVX and Firo this coming Wednesday (25-09-2024) at 09:00 am EST.

In this episode, we receive special guest Luke Parker (KayabaNerve), the renowned Monero contributor and lead developer of the upcoming SeraiDEX, so make sure not to miss this one!

The Open-Source Revolution

We're on a mission to create a private, independent, and pro-liberty digital economy that is fair and open to all. Learn more about what we do at any of the following links.

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Be a part of the movement and join us in the fight for our freedoms by meeting the community and spreading the word far and wide!

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Learn more about Particl with these in-depth resources.

Website BasicSwap DEX Academy Wiki

Follow the link below to get a list of all other useful Particl-related links you may find helpful.

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